As it is WCDC’s mission to assist each individual served to live and work in the least restrictive environment, WCDC provides the following programs as both vocationally and residential as defined below.
Prevocational Services
The work activity programs enable individuals with disabilities to attain personal self-sufficiency through many opportunities provided at its WCDC site and community settings. Services include communication skill development, self care skills, recreational and leisure opportunities, work training, work/personal development, counseling and transportation.
Work training at WCDC focuses on each individual’s vocational desires through sub contract work. The supervisors are responsible for training, supervision, and evaluating consumers in different work environments. The staff to consumer ratio of this program is typically 1 staff to 7 consumers.
Work Activity
This program was designed to develop, maintain, increase or maximize individuals independent functioning in self-care, physical and emotional growth, socialization, communication, education and pre-vocational skills. Programs are individually developed to meet consumer need, whether that is attained through increasing independence in work training or developing or maintaining life skills.
The target population includes individuals with a qualifying disability who need to be provided preventive and restorative care through medical, rehabilitation, personal care, nutrition, social work, activities and transportation. The supervisors provide training in very basic skills and to continue to evaluate and assess performances and behaviors through communication, stimulating activities, and behavior modification. Staff ratio in this program is typically one staff to three consumers.
Adult Day Habilitation
The Adult Day Habilitation program provides individuals with social, recreational, educational and therapeutic activities to severely and elderly disabled individuals. The focus in this program is not concerned with vocational programming but day to day life skills and individualized therapeutic activities.
The supervisors in this program assist individuals in maintaining their current level of independence as well as assisting in initiating activities such as music therapy, craft and creative activities, and social integration. The staff to consumer ratio in this program is also typically one staff to three consumers.
Services providing transportation to individuals of services at designated scheduled times and availability, as to aide individuals to conduct business errands, travel to and from work or day programs, and reduce isolation. Transportation may not be reimbursed simultaneously with HCBS MR waiver supported community living service.
Supported Employment
Services providing initial and on-going training and support to persons with disabilities to choose, obtain, and maintain competitive community employment. Individuals are provided choices as to the opportunities available and those in which they seek employment. Supported employment supervisors and job developers seek out those sites desired by consumers. Job coaches are provided to support individuals on job sites for retention, understanding, and moral support to succeed in the employment setting. Examples of job sites include; restaurant services, bank services, dairy industry work, hospital, and other medical sites. Progress notes shall be entered into the consumers' record no later than 7 working days from the provision of services, signed and dated by the provider of service. These entries shall include the intervention strategies used by staff and the consumers' response to these interventions. Individuals served include people diagnosed with mental or physical disabilities. Supported employment services are billed in one-hour units based on a 1:1 staff/consumer ratio, and face-to-face contact between staff and consumer documented with a narrative, unless other arrangements are negotiated. Unless specified in the individual's service plan, the staffing ratio is 1:1. If follow-along services are needed by the individual, a minimum of 1-hour per month to a maximum of 3 hours per month shall be provided as needed to maintain employment.
Supported Community Living
Services for adults with mental illness, mental retardation or developmental disabilities who need some assistance to enable them to live in the community. Services are provided within the independent living unit maintained by the individual. Types of training include attending to banking needs, grocery shopping, housekeeping and laundry, appropriate social activities, and preparation for work days when appropriate. Training takes place in the community utilizing community supports as available and as desired by the consumer. Progress notes shall be entered into the consumers' record no later than 7 working days from the provision of services, signed and dated by the provider of service. These entries shall include the intervention strategies used by staff and the consumer's response to these interventions.
Supported Employment Enclave
Services provide initial and on-going training and support to persons with disabilities to choose, obtain, and maintain competitive community employment in a group setting on a community employment site. Individuals served include people diagnosed with mental or physical disabilities.
Family Services
Services are provided for skill development, therapy and supportive services to address children and families emotional or behavioral disturbances and other dysfunctional behaviors. Services are provided through family-centered services and family preservation. Each component may use skill development, therapy, and supportive services. Purposes of non-rehabilitative service are to provide therapy and skill development to address a protective, supportive or preventive need for which the child or family has no identified rehabilitative need.